Salon Nautic de Paris on suuri venemessutapahtuma ja short-handed -purjehduksen seuraavan kauden superkisojen näyttämö. Nyt täällä ovat esillä 2020 Imoca-kiertueen kisat The Transat, New York – Vendée ja Vendée Globe. Minulle tapahtuma on myös kokouksia ja Ariel2:n varustevalintojen suunnittelua. Ensimmäiset Pariisin venemessut kävin joskus 90-luvun alussa. En muista tarkkaan. Muistoja ja tuttavia on kertynyt...
The Finnish-Irish IMOCA skipper duo finished the legendary coffee route race Transat Jacques Vabre today morning at 08:22:14 UTC -3.That was an achievement of one kind with the heavily wreked mainsail. This race did not turned out as the duo had liked. After a great start on Sunday Oct 27th they fell victim to...
Ari Huusela teki jälleen pohjoismaista purjehdushistoriaa tullessaan kuuluisan Transat Jacques Vabre -kilpailun maaliin. Huusela ja hänen kakkoskipparinsa irlantilainen Mikey Ferguson ylittivät maalilinjan Brasilian Salvadorissa tänä aamuna kello 08:22:14 paikallista aikaa (UTC -3). Transat Jacques Vabre on joka toinen vuosi järjestettävä, kaksin purjehdittava kilpailu, joka kuuluu Imoca Globe Series -maailmanmestaruuskiertueeseen. Kukaan pohjoismaalainen ei ole ennen...
It’s been an amazing race. No other words to describe it than SISU. That is what short-handed sailing is all about when you race with the world’s toughest arena with IMOCA boats. ARIEL2’s ETA to finish, Salvador/Brazil is on Friday 15th am (UTC -3). Follow the last 100 NM here >>
Ariel2 crossed the equator today around midday Irish time, 2 pm Finnish time. For Ari it was the 2nd crossing. And for Mikey the 1st. Today was another milestone day after leaving the Doldrums yesterday. We crossed the Equator and are now in the Southern Hemisphere. We shared some Rum with King Neptune and...
The doldrums (Inter Tropical Convergence Zone) have been a challenging pot of darkness for sailors throughout centuries. Getting stuck there has been really dangerous. Here’s how it’s been onboard Ariel2 in Transat Jacques Vabre. 10/11 Its been 2 weeks since the race started and we are looking to finally escape the Doldrums. We got...
Last night as the sun started to go down on our approach to the Western side of Cape Verde Islands the Flying Fish came out to get us. I got a direct hit to the shoulder while we had some in cockpit pockets and hiding under the A3 bag which is strapped down on...
Cracking sunrise this morning after an easy nigts sailing. Since hoisting the A3 masthead furling kite a few days ago we set ourselves a wind limit to protect the tip of the rig due the the lack of support from the mainsail. Ysterday evening we hit that limit so changed to the A5 fractional...
Vendée Globe 2020 -kilpailuun ilmoittautuneet purjehtijat on julkistettu. Listalla on 37 nimeä, joista yksi on Pohjoismaista, Suomesta. Ari Huuselan nimen saaminen maailman seuratuimman yksinpurjehduskilpailun ilmoittautujalistalle on vaatinut valtavan kovan työn. Todella intensiivistä se on ollut viimeiset kaksi ja puoli vuotta. Tuhansia työtunteja ammattilaisten ja talkoolaisten toimesta, kumppanien kriittisellä tuella. Vendée Globe on ollut Arin...
Huusela and Ferguson of Ariel2 have officially decided to continue their race across the Atlantic Ocean to Brazil.Skippers have managed to do some repairs on the main sail that delaminated soon after race start. Today the main was hoisted fully the first time after damage. ”I have not really been considering about retiring from...