It’s been almost unreal how nice conditions Ari has been enjoying after the nasty low pressure in the very beginning of the week. Days have been sunny, winds not too complicated and the skipper has really enjoyed the race.
Lots of albatrosses, some small fruits de mer and sun have accompanied Ari. The sail plan has been typically conservative and routing, too. Ari isin 26th position today and estimating to pass Kerguelen soon.
The leading boats are already on the Pacific Ocean and competition there is hard. As the American Vendee Globe finisher (twice) Rich Wilson told on yesterday’s Vendée Globe live, Ari is doing his own good race. The core of the race however is same for all: ”Vendée Globe is a human adventure and a technical challenge”, said Wilson. One really must succeed in both.
There was some autopilot issues and small sail repairs onboard Stark this week. And a rope was scarily found from the rudder. Luckily Ari was able to remove it easily with no harm done.

Eating and resting is much more important than what many might think. The energy consumption in the Southern Ocean can be huge. The maneuvers may take long. You must be prepared to act all the time. So, one of Rich’s wise advice was: rest whenever you can and eat well.