Imoca Stark has found a new owner and it’s Ari Huusela’s time to thank for the amazing journey his boat, the Imoca Globe Series and Vendée Globe offered. This first ever Nordic skipper making it to Imoca Globe Series and Vendée Globe start line fulfilled his over 20 year long dream finishing the iconic...
New Imoca Globe Series Tour 2021-2024 has just started as Rolex Fastnet was it’s first race. So cool to see familiar boats and faces having great time there. For me it has been less sailing this summer. Only once actually. But I had the greatest pleasure to visit STARK this week. She’s all well....
Vendée Globe is a journey. It’s an ultra marathon of which maybe only half is sailing. The rest is preparing, co-operation and constant learning. First of all you need a boat. That’s when it get’s serious. If you do not have the boat at least three years before the Vendée Globe, you may not...
Marraskuun 8. päivä starttaava maailmanympäri non-stop purjehduskilpailu Vendée Globe on lajissaan poikkeuksellinen. Joka neljäs vuosi kisattava, kenties maailman vaikein purjehduskilpailu herättää laajasti kiinnostusta maailmalla. Kisa ajetaan IMOCA-veneillä, yksinpurjehduksen kuninkuusluokassa. Mistä tässä ikonisessa kisassa on kyse? Kisa starttaa Les Sable-d’Olonnesta, Vendéen maakunnasta Ranskasta. Se myötäilee alkumatkasta vanhaa vehnäreittiä Australiaa kohti. Siinä kierretään kolme suurta niemeä...
It’s been an amazing race. No other words to describe it than SISU. That is what short-handed sailing is all about when you race with the world’s toughest arena with IMOCA boats. ARIEL2’s ETA to finish, Salvador/Brazil is on Friday 15th am (UTC -3). Follow the last 100 NM here >>
The doldrums (Inter Tropical Convergence Zone) have been a challenging pot of darkness for sailors throughout centuries. Getting stuck there has been really dangerous. Here’s how it’s been onboard Ariel2 in Transat Jacques Vabre. 10/11 Its been 2 weeks since the race started and we are looking to finally escape the Doldrums. We got...
Cracking sunrise this morning after an easy nigts sailing. Since hoisting the A3 masthead furling kite a few days ago we set ourselves a wind limit to protect the tip of the rig due the the lack of support from the mainsail. Ysterday evening we hit that limit so changed to the A5 fractional...
The first days of Transat Jacques Vabre race have been great but challenging for the duo Huusela Ferguson. Quite strong wind 1st night. Then Ari’s 57th birthday. Mikey had arranged a nice cake – candles and everything! Skippers are enjoying the ride but Ariel2 mainsail is not. It got damaged the 1st night and...
Finnish-Irish Imoca duo Ari Huusela – Mikey Ferguson are starting the world famous Transat Jacques Vabre this Sunday. Start day conditions look good. The race village has been open for a week now and the skippers are eager to start racing. The start line is just outside the harbour of Le Havre and the...
TIEDOTE Ari Huusela on jälleen starttaamassa vaativaan purjehduskilpailuun Atlantin yli. Tällä kertaa yhdessä irlantilaisen Mikey Fergusonin kanssa. Lähtöpäivän olosuhteet näyttävät harvinaisen hyviltä. Valtameripurjehdusmaailman kuuluisimpiin kisoihin lukeutuva Transat Jacques Vabre purjehditaan kaksin vanhaa kahvireittiä Ranskasta Brasiliaan. Kisakylä starttipaikassa Le Havressa on ollut auki jo viikon ja satatuhatpäinen yleisö on käynyt aistimassa sen tunnelmaa. Starttilaukaus pamahtaa...